15 March 2025 AGM

Pursuant to the Army Cadet League of Canada Manitoba Inc. Bylaws:

4.04 Notices of Annual or Special General Meetings
1) Notices of the annual or a special general meeting shall be by either electronic means (email) or by Canada Post and be posted to the web site of the League at least 30 days prior to the meeting. Such notices shall specify the time and place of the meeting and the business to be transacted.

This will serve as official notice of our Annual General Meeting (AGM)


This year the AGM will be held at

Charleswood Royal Canadian Legion Branch #100

6003 Roblin Blvd, Winnipeg, MB R3R 0G8.

We will be setting up at 9:00AM and Meeting will start at 10:00AM sharp.


This will also be available online via teams for those unable to attend in person.
We will review the reports from the President, and Treasurer and have an opportunity to answer any questions you may have. We will also be providing any updates to the membership.
This year we will also have guests from the ACLC Alberta and Saskatchewan branches that will present some workshops on various topics. If you have any suggestions for topic, feel free to let me know.
This is an excellent opportunity for our members to get together, network with each other and learn about our day-to-day activities!

Below is the form to fill in for your RSVP. Please fill in for each member in attendance:

This year we are looking to have an online and in person option please select your method of attending
Please check all that apply
We will provide Tea and Coffee as well as doughnuts and muffins for the breaks. Lunch this year will be Pizza with Tea, Coffee and various Soft Drinks. Please let us know if there are any allergies so that we can attempt to accommodate within reasonable means in the section below:
Please feel free to send any questions you may have so we can find answers prior to the AGM.

All reports available in members section at top of the webpage. Password available from provincial admin at will also be provided on the registration email provided.