50th Anniversary Coin – Terrence Henry

Terrence Henry awarded the 50th Anniversary Coin!

Terrence Henry, born in Treherne and raised in Portage La Prairie Mb, was a Cadet at 19 Portage, RCACC; Manitoba’s oldest continuously serving Army Cadet Corps in Western Canada!

After his Cadet career; and while becoming a successful and respected automotive mechanic; Terry enrolled in the reserves in the Cadet Instructors Cadre and progressed to becoming the CO of this CORPs, not once but twice before moving on to other roles in the CCO. Terry has formally been in the DND training side of the partnership, and throughout the years has spent countless hours advocating and promoting the partnership between the DND and League.

Terry has provided sound advice, encouragement and tirelessly advocated for the ACLC in Mb to step up, evolve and fulfill our fiduciary duties to Army Cadets. Terry has been a community advocate for 19 Portage, in the local community and ensuring that the Cadet Program is supported and recognized at the community level right across Mb.

Terry has recruited many of our committee members both at the local and the Branch level, not just in Portage La Prairie, but right across the province; including our current Branch President Linda Wall, and was a huge support to our past President as Mb ACLC as he pivoted to become a respected, effective, and relevant participant in the Cadet movement.

Congrats Major Terrence Henry!  Thank You!  Most deserved!