
The Army Cadet League of Canada – National (ACLC) has been selected and invited to be a community partner in the awarding of the King Charles III Coronation Medal. The medals administered by the Chancellery of Honours, as part of the Office of the Secretary to the Governor General. As a community partner the ACLC is permitted to nominate individuals for this medal.

The medal has been created to recognize deserving individuals for their contributions to their community, Canada, or the world. The ACLC is thrilled to help celebrate His Majesty’s Coronation while also honoured to be able to recognize individuals within the ACLC.

For more information about the King Charles III Coronation medal visit:


The ACLC has been provided with an initial allotment as part of this program. To ensure that deserving individuals are recognized at all levels of the organization and across the  country, the ACLC will be distributing the allotment as equitably as possible.

ACLC Manitoba Branch has been provided an allotment of 2 medals for distribution.

Additionally the National and Local Focus – 19 medals. Meant for individuals who primarily serve the ACLC at the National or Local levels. This is directly thru the national office.

The distribution is not a guarantee that nominations will be accepted or approved. All conditions for eligibility, nomination, and selection also apply. Should additional medals be allotted,  nominations will be reviewed and selected from those already received.


In accordance with King’s Coronation medal program, to be eligible for this honour, a person must:

  • Have made a significant contribution to Canada or to a particular province, territory, region of, or community in, Canada, or attained an outstanding achievement abroad that brings credit to Canada; and
  • Have been alive on May 6, 2023, the date of The King’s Coronation.

In following the spirit of the community partner program, the ACLC has added the following requirements: Regional – To be eligible for nomination individuals must be:

  • Members in-good-standing of the ACLC; and,
  • Screened and registered volunteers in accordance ACLC policy; and,
  • Is an individual who exemplifies the vision, mission, purposes, and values of the ACLC; and,
  • Be nominated by their respective Branch.

National and Local Focus – To be eligible for nomination individuals must be:

  • Members in-good-standing of the ACLC; or,
  • Screened and registered volunteers in accordance with ACLC policy; and,
  • Is an individual who exemplifies the vision, mission, purposes, and values of the ACLC; and,
  • Nominations must come from a member in-good-standing of the ACLC

Nomination Process

The following guidelines have been developed to assist nominators:

  • Long service and good conduct; having demonstrated high professionalism; or for performing a deed or activity that brings great credit to the organization, the community, or Canada.
  • Achievements and sustained contributions, nominees will have distinguished themselves from others working or volunteering in the same field.

Self-nominations, nominations to groups or couples will not be considered. Nominations from the general public will not be considered.

A minimum 250-word, maximum 750-word, statement must be included that describes how the nominee contributed to vision, mission, and purposes of the ACLC within their community,  province, territory, Branch, Canada, or the world.

All nominations must be received by July 15 2024


Applications from Manitoba for both types options Regional and National/Local Focus will be completed using the form below. We will review to ensure the application is complete, and all criteria has been met, then will forward to the national selection committee.

A selection committee comprised of the National President, National Executive Director, and an independent individual shall be formed to verify, validate, and make the final decisions regarding  nominations to the Chancellery of Honours for the King Charles III Coronation Medal. The following guidelines have been developed for selections:

  • The list of nominees should be inclusive and reflective of demographics of the organization.
  • The process will be non-partisan and merit based.

The decisions of the selection committee shall be final.


Upon the announcement and confirmation of awarding from the Chancellery of Honours, it is the responsibility of the ACLC, with the support and assistance of its affiliated Branches where  appropriate, to coordinate the presentation of medals during appropriate ceremonies.

Nominations Form:

King Charles III Coronation Medal Nomination Form