The objectives of the tag day are:
1.1 To fund-raise for the operations of the Manitoba Army Cadet Corps and the Army Cadet
League of Canada (Manitoba) Inc.
1.2 To increase the visibility of the Army Cadet Movement in the community and as a
potential recruiting tool for Cadet Corps.
The Province of Manitoba requires that all Organizations in Manitoba Tag under the Authority of
the Canada Revenue Agency Charities Directorate. The Army Cadet League of Canada
(Manitoba) Inc. (ACLC(Mb)) is authorized to conduct Tag Days as a Registered Non-Profit
Organization, Charitable Tax #: 119243798 RR0001. Our Address is: Ste. 10, Box 17000,
Winnipeg, MB, R3J 3Y5. The link to CRA to search our Registration: Please enter “Army Cadet League of Canada
(Manitoba)” to perform an online search.
3.1 Tagging activities occur during the training year. Cadet Corps can conduct up to two Tag
Days per training year. We suggest the September/October period and/or the May/June
period, but Cadet Corps are free to pick any time frame they wish; in consultation with
the ACLC (MB) with the following criteria:
a. Corps will generally tag at locations in vicinity of their Corps catchment area; where
feasible and ensure that the ACLC (MB) has approved these tag locations.
b. ACLC must receive requests; including the date and planned tagging locations a
minimum of 45 days in advance.
c. Support Committee Chairs will ensure that the Corps CO is supportive of the
approved dates and times.
3.2 Organization:
a. Start times should be coordinated and confirmed with the tagging locations.
b. It is recommended to schedule shifts, so each cadet is tagging no longer than one shift
(example 3 hours) to ensure cadets wellbeing.
Version February 2020
c. Tagging normally will terminate NLT 16:00 or as requested to and approved by the
League Tag Day Coordinator.
d. Cadet Corps will provide at least four and preferably 6 counters.
e. Staff and Cadets will bring all unopened collection tins and collection boxes to the
prearranged counting location. Counting will take approximately one hour.
Questions or concerns should be addressed to the League at: Telephone 204-391-6700 or e-mail
Tag Day participants can be:
5.1 Cadets and instructors from the Manitoba based Cadet Corps.
5.2 Volunteers (e.g. parents, Support Committee members etc.). Volunteers require screening
as per DND and League policies. Unscreened volunteers can participate if they are not
alone with Cadets or independently handling group funds.
5.3 Army Cadet League of Canada (MB) representatives, ACLC (MB) Treasurer or
designate, Liaison Officers, sponsors, and affiliated unit members.
6.1 Provide sample letters; if requested by Corps for the purpose of obtaining permission to
tag on business premises.
6.2 Provide coin boxes & collection cans which are held in Range 3, Minto Armory.
6.3 Provide Tags to the Corps based on the estimated number of participants.
6.4 ACLC (MB) Tag Day Coordinator will work with rural Corps to facilitate their tag day
organization with regard to their remoteness.
7. CADET CORPS RESPONSIBILITIES (Partnership – Support Committee/CIC Staff)
7.1 Identify potential sites for tagging within the Corps’ designated district and obtain
permission to tag at the desired locations.
7.2 Each Cadet Corps Support Committee Tag Day Coordinator is responsible:
a. To contact the appropriate mall/business authorities and gain permission to tag at
each location.
b. To provide the necessary Insurance Certificate for stores, malls etc. (if requested).
Refer to National web site to access the certificate:
c. To arrange the pickup of adequate tagging boxes and tagging cans from Range 3,
Minto Armory.
d. To work with CIC staff to ensure proper supervision of cadets during this activity.
e. To provide proper security for moneys under their control.
f. To ensure proper completion of ANNEXES A & B.
7.3 Encourage cadets and their parents to participate. Encourage instructors and volunteers to
7.4 Coordinate transportation (if required) for cadets and instructors to and from respective
7.5 Seek assistance such as transportation and additional supervision for cadets from their
affiliated units or parents as required.
8.1 At the conclusion of the tag day, all collection tins and boxes will be returned unopened
to the prearranged counting location. Count totals will be recorded on the forms provided
(Annexes A and B).
8.2 Each Corps will confirm instructors, support /parent members and senior cadets to be
responsible for counting money, rolling coins, and recording the receipts for the Corps.
8.3 The ACLC(MB) Treasurer (or their designate) is responsible for the general accounting
of the tag day and will receive all money along with completed ANNEX A from the
Commanding Officer or person in charge.
8.4 The Tag Day coordinator will collect the Corps Report ANNEX B.
8.5 The Treasurer will be responsible for arranging for suitable security of funds and timely
banking thereafter.
8.6 Proceeds from Tag Day will be deposited to the league bank account in full. 90% will be
issued back to the Corps in the form of a cheque, and 10% remains with the ACLC (MB).
8.7 Money to be distributed to participating Cadet Corps within 20 days of the Tag Day.
Receipts by Cadet Corps
This form is to be submitted to the treasurer along with the money.
$5 x ______= ____
$10 x _____=_____
$20 x _____=_____
$50 x _____=_____
US currency _______
Coin Loose Coin
$2.00 x___ rolls @$50/roll= _____________ $2.00 x___=___
$1.00x ___rolls@$25/roll=_______________ $1.00 x___=___
$0.25x___rolls@$10/roll= _______________ $0.25 x___=___
$0.10x___rolls@$5/roll=_________________ $0.10 x___=___
$0.05x___rolls@$2/roll=_________________ $0.05 x___=___
TOTAL: ______________________________
Submitted by__________________________ / ___________________________
Print Name Signature
Verified by Treasurer or League Rep. ____________________________
Date _____________________
Detailed Report of Tag Day Activities
Cadet Corps________________________
Total number of Cadets on Tag Day ______________
Total Officers /Instructors ______________
Total Volunteers ______________
TOTAL ______________
Total amount collected as per ANNEX A (sheet to be attached) _________________
Commanding Officer or Designee ________________________ Date __________________
Army Cadet League of Canada (Manitoba) Inc.
Tag Day Receipts for Deposit
To the Royal Bank of Canada for deposit to
Account # 05077 003 501 660 5
$5 x ______= ____
$10 x _____=_____
$20 x _____=_____
$50 x _____=_____
US currency _______
Coin Loose Coin
$2.00 x___ rolls @$50/roll= _____________ $2.00 x___=___
$1.00 x ___rolls@$25/roll=_______________ $1.00 x___=___
$0.25 x___rolls@$10/roll= _______________ $0.25 x___=___
$0.10 x___rolls@$5/roll=_________________ $0.10 x___=___
$0.05 x___rolls@$2/roll=_________________ $0.05 x___=___
TOTAL ______________________________________________|_________|_____
Checked by: __________________________________________
Tag Day Coordinator or League Representative